Mary: (hysterically pointing at Proctor fearful of him) “My name he wants my name. However when she realises that her efforts are pointless and she would be much better off lying along with the girls, she points the finger at John Proctor and tells Judge Danforth that John is in touch with the devil and that John had threatened to kill her if she did not attend court to give a testimony. ” (Her eyes fall on Mary Warren) Mary: (Terrified, pleading) “Abby! ” Abigail: (Shivering visibly) “It is a wind, a wind! ” Mary: Abby, don’t do that! At first Mary pleads with Abigail and asks her to put a stop to her acting Abigail: (looking about in the air, clasping her arms about her as though cold) “I- I know not. Abigail pretends to feel threatened by both Mary and the devil before the court.

However, it is not long before Abigail begins to twist and manipulate the truth.Ībigail fallaciously claims that she can see Mary with the devil and that she could also feel a strong wind. Mary also attempts to reveal that everything the girls had done and were doing was entirely pretence. Mary stands before the court to expose the truth about how Abigail and the other girls were not in compact with the devil and that they were all lying about their convention with the devil as well.

Abigail succeeds in defeating Mary Warren by again, lying and manipulating the truth.

Moreover, at the end of Act 3, Mary Warren is defeated by Abigail and has no choice but to side with her once more. Such explicit evidence could not be doubted nor questioned so Abigail took this opportunity to seek revenge on Elizabeth the woman whom she despised for being the wife of her ex-lover John Proctor, and since Elizabeth had discharged Abigail from their home after the affair was exposed, Abigail was extremely motivated to get vengeance.