When someone compromises your virtual machine and you're using the host's network adapter, he might learn the host machine's mac address. I feel like it's supposed to be safe and I'm just letting my caution/paranoia get to me. Now, my question is, is it safe to browse tor on a virtual machine that uses the host device's network adapter? Kindly note that I made another non-root user for tor browsing purposes. I wrote this off as an inconsistency of the usb adapter and decided to change the network setting of the virtual machine to use NAT for the moment instead of "Not Attached" in order to download the tor browser. Kindly note that I didn't change the position of the usb adapter, and I even placed it on a usb extension cable so it can be closer to the router (note that I'm just 7-10ft away from our router). However my laptop - Macbook Pro - did NOT disconnect and can see our home network just fine. I'd get varying download speeds (and I'm the only one using the WiFi in our house) and sometimes it would disconnect, and I wouldn't see our WiFi network in the list of available networks.

However, the next lesson on the lecture was browsing tor and I found the realtek usb adapter to be a bit inconsistent with it's performance. Seeing that I might not need to perform operations on packets yet, I figured that I might be able to make do with a realtek rtl8188cus usb adapter we had lying around, then I'll just get the real thing when the lecture calls for it. I have successfully followed on this tutorial however, the tutorial recommended that I use a network adapter whose chipset fell under the categories of aircrack-ng (I think it was for sending special/custom packets or something to that effect). I've been following this online course on ethical hacking and there was a part on how to set up VirtualBox and installing Kali Linux, as well as creating a USB Passthrough for the usb adapter so that Kali can use it.